Tuesday, March 18, 2008

They're A Cat And Bunny!

Well, they do make cards for just about anything these days. My sister has infected the rest of the family with hoops&yoyo mania, and now if a card isn’t loud and crazy in a hoops&yoyo kind of way it just isn’t funny. I opened my email inbox the other day to find an e-card pronouncing it to be Spastic Colon Sunday! It just doesn’t get any better than that. The best part is that all four of us can gather around the monitor in our cramped little office surrounded by stuff that has no home and the kitty litter box and be entertained for upwards of thirty minutes: because once one has viewed the e-card that was sent it’s time to browse all of the others to find one that has the capacity to make all of us (even the baby) snort with laughter. There are cards to tell people how gooood they smell; cards commemorating Canada Day (eh?); and cards hailing the awesomeness of the coffee bean. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find an interactive “Name That Stain” card or an “I’m Sorry You Had To Clean Poop Out Of The Rug Today Again” card. Now there’s a gold mine.

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