Wednesday, April 8, 2009

This is the Phrase that is Heard Day and Night...

There is a mantra my son repeats often throughout any given day. He says it in the morning, repeats it in the afternoon, and asks it adamantly during the evening: “Daddy be home soon?” If he does not get the desired answer he will sometimes replace “daddy” with other members of the family, most frequently “nana”.

I suppose he gets bored what with mommy tending to the dishes and the laundry and the cooking. An occasional game of memory with dinosaur cards and an afternoon romp in the yard isn’t quite enough attention for a person. One can only ride a bike around the dining room table so many times, and fight over toys with a little sister for so many hours a day.

Yesterday, however, time was found with which to have a little snuggle on the couch. The little man rested his head on my ever-growing baby belly and looked up at me with those bright blue eyes and edible cheeks. “Momma, the baby gonna be home soon?” Well, now, as if he wasn’t quite cute enough already.


TMCPhoto said...

I could just melt... wait, I think I just did a little bit.

Rach said...

That is of THE cutest things that I have ever heard IN MY LIFE!

Elissa Michelle said...

I adore that little man...

fawndear said...

I love those snuggle moments. What an adorable thing for your little man to say.
When my son was younger he tried to sit on the lap of a pregnant lady and she said,'Please don't sit on me there's a baby in my tummy.'
To which he replied, 'You ate a baby?'
Ah, ya just gotta love em.
